Volume 78 - 2015 - Fasc.1 - Clinical images
Deadly Air
A 57-year-old man presented with decreased con- sciousness, diffuse abdominal pain and anorexia for 1 week. He had an acute cholecystitis 6 months before and bleeding gastric ulcers 4 months before. The patient was icteric, tachycard (104bpm), hypertensive (230/120 mmHg), had fever (38.1°C) and diffuse muscu- lar abdominal défense.
Laboratory results revealed AST of 2666IU/L (N < 38), ALT of 1479 IU/L (N < 50), alkaline phospha- tase of 789 IU/L (N<119), bilirubin of 14.2mg/dl (N < 1.2) and LDH of 8520 IU/L (N < 480). Prothrombin time was 81 % (>70%). The WBC count was 23,300/mm3 (3,900-9,900) with 93% neutrophils and CRP of 197 mg/L (N < 5.0). Contrast-enhanced abdomi- nal CT (CECT) scan was performed (Fig. 1)."