Volume 87 - 2024 - Fasc.4 - Case reports
A case of paediatric seasonal eosinophilic oesophagitis
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic disorder
characterized by eosinophilic inflammation of the oesophagus
triggered by food allergens and possibly aeroallergens.
We present a boy with the diagnosis of EoE at the age of 4 years
and the disease responded to topical steroids. When he turned 7
years old he had the concomitant diagnose of grass pollen allergy.
A clear difference between both histological (October 2019: 0
eosinophils (Eo’s)/High Power Field (HPF), April 2022: 80 Eo’s/
HPF) and clinical signs (October 2019: pediatric eoe symptom
score (PEESS) 3/100, April 2022: PEESS 31/100) is evident when
comparing winter to spring. The boy is currently only using topical
budesonide during grass pollen season.
There are increasing arguments in favour of aeroallergens as
a trigger for EoE. This information is important for determining
the timing of endoscopic follow-up. And it may be beneficial to
consider upgrading treatment during allergy season, or exclusively
administering treatment during allergy season.
Profuse diarrhea after autologous stem cell transplantation for peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified: a case report
We report the case of a 59-year-old patient with a history of
peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCLNOS)
presenting with profuse diarrhea 3 months after completing
lymphoma treatment. After exhaustive workup a recurrence of
the peripheral T-cell lymphoma in the gastrointestinal tract was
diagnosed. Predominant gastrointestinal recurrence is a unique
presentation of relapse of PTCL-NOS. To the best of our knowledge,
no other case reports have covered predominant gastrointestinal
recurrence of PTCL-NOS so far.
Fatal acute pulmonary embolism following endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection for gastric fundal varices
Acute gastric variceal bleeding is a rare but serious
complication of portal hypertension. Initial therapy for bleeding
gastric varices focuses on acute hemostasis. In this regard,
endoscopic cyanoacrylate injection (ECI) is the first-line approach.
Cyanoacrylate diluted with Lipiodol acts as a tissue adhesive that
polymerizes on contact with blood. Glue-induced pulmonary
embolism is a very rare but severe complication of ECI. This paper
describes a case of fatal glue pulmonary embolism during ECI for
prevention of bleeding from gastric fundal varices in a patient with
polycythemia vera and the presence of portosystemic shunts.
Aspiration thrombectomy of the hepatic veins in Budd Chiari Syndrome
Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is a rare, potentially lifethreatening
condition characterised by obstruction of the hepatic
venous outflow tract due to thrombosis. Treatment typically
involves lifelong anticoagulation and relieving the obstruction.
This case report introduces hepatic venous thromboaspiration as
an additional endovascular technique to achieve recanalisation.